Monday, February 17, 2014

Squared and Cubed

This is a simple post! Hooray!

Don't be frightened by the term "squared" or cubed," because they're only names for exponents*
*Read the Exponents post first!!
7 to the second power ; 7➁ = squared
7 to the third power ; 7➂ = cubed

So the exponent 2 means "squared" and the exponent 3 means "cubed". Easy as, pie!

Want to do those problems for practice? Of course you don't, but here they are:
7➁ means 7 x 7 (seven, two times) which = 49
7➂ means 7 x 7 x 7 (seven, three times) which = 343

Now you are free to stop reading this stupid math blog and hate me for making it ☺

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